Thursday, 4 December 2014

Eight best alternative sites of Google Adsense

Eight best alternative sites of Google Adsense
Google AdSense is very popular for making online money but it is very hard to get its 

approval. One more problem is that, if your AdSense account is disable anytime, it is 

nearly impossible to restore it. Therefore, if you do not have AdSense account or your 

account was frozen, there is no need to worry. There are many alternatives of AdSense 

appear on the net which will pays you nice amount. Some of AdSense alternatives are 

described in this clause. You can try these alternatives, on your web site or blog. 

1: BuySellAds

It is a popular program online for making money by selling

your advertising space. Buysellads you can determine your

own price for a particular adspot on your website. By using it, you can receive a nice

amount of money at the end of the month. Merely it is difficult to be approved by

Buysellads for a website having low traffic.


It is good alternatives of Google AdSense. Yahoo, Bing, powers it. It is produced

good amount, like AdSense. Your blog must have a good traffic to take approval from

3. InfoLinks

It is used in content ads means they just create hyperlinks for important keywords in

your website content. They are not well as Google AdSense but you can try it on your

blog. The lowest pay-out limit of Info links is 50$. You can use your PayPal account to

draw off the money.

4. Kontera

Kontera is similar to Infolinks. It creates hyperlink to various keywords in your blog

content. It does not produce high amount like Google AdSense, but something is better

than nothing is.

5. Adbrite

Adbrite is similar to buysellads. It does not directly display ads on your site. It displays

advertise here banner on your website and the advertisers can buy ad space along your

website. Its Ads are not well as Google AdSense but still they are better if you do not

have any other source of income on your blog.

6. Chitika

It is the best alternative of Google AdSense. It has different types of ads, like pay per

click, banners, etc. You can earn a reasonable amount from Chitika. However, this

network is mostly suitable the people of the USA. Otherwise, it will engender a very low


7. Amazon Affiliates

Amazon is the premium online store. It does not support pay per click. It pays only

when somebody buys his or her store from your referral link. It displays various types of

banners and images on your site linked up to various products. When any visitor of your

website buys a product through those banner or image ads, then a commission will be

offered to you based on the cost of the product, which sold through your link.

8. Adversal

It is a good alternative of AdSense and work like Chitika. They have quality banners and

CTR for your website or blogs. It works properly with other languages too (Chitika does

not). Your story is approved fast and they have Pop under /CPM ads as an option.

Adversely requires a website with a lower limit of 50,000 page views per month, but

they have proven to work really well. They also pay directly via PayPal.


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